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International Journal of Electronic Government Research ; 18(1):2018/01/01 00:00:00.000, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2227356


Although digital learning has been used by the public universities to teach students for some time, the relatively new established universities still didn't fully adopt the digital learning practices. Therefore, this research aims to understand the factors that influence instructors' intentions to adopt digital learning during and post COVID-19 time period. For this, the paper proposed a model based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology extended with additional construct such as self-efficacy and moderators such as staff IT-training and institutional support. The workable data were collected from 274 instructors across 10 public universities that have implemented digital learning in their curriculum relatively lately after 2010, and they are still experimenting its implementation using their resources. The data were analysed using PLS SEM. The results supported the influence of antecedents on instructors' intentions to adopt digital learning, and moderators were also found to support the relationships significantly.

Iconos ; 26(3):73-94, 2022.
Article in Spanish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2067400


Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación sobre las condiciones y los condicionantes de la tarea docente en el nivel secundario de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, durante la pandemia por la covid-19. El objetivo es analizar cómo se cruzan las desigualdades de género, tecnológicas y sociosanitarias en el quehacer educativo, en un contexto signado por la intensificación de la labor docente y la profundización de las distancias sociales. Consideramos el período comprendido entre marzo de 2020 y marzo de 2021, y analizamos las siguientes particularidades: las regulaciones oficiales, las condiciones laborales docentes, la composición y situación social del hogar de profesoras y profesores, los recursos tecnológicos disponibles y los soportes institucionales que condicionaron la labor pedagógica. Nos basamos en las normativas del período, la estadística oficial, y las encuestas y entrevistas abiertas a docentes de secundaria de cuatro municipios, que reflejan la heterogeneidad de esta provincia argentina. Entre los hallazgos sobresalen la intensificación de la labor de enseñar durante la pandemia y su particular impacto en el nivel secundario por la estructura del puesto de trabajo;en las docentes mujeres la situación se complejiza por la asimetría en el reparto de las tareas de cuidado. La emergencia del trabajo colectivo para afrontar estas condiciones se constituyó como alternativa y soporte a fin de superar el aislamiento.Alternate :This article is the result of an investigation into the conditions and determinants of teaching at the secondary level in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective is to analyze how gender, technological, and socio-health inequalities intersect in educational work, in a context marked by the intensification of teaching work and widening social gaps. We considered the period between March 2020 and March 2021, and analyzed the following particularities: official regulations, teachers' working conditions, the composition and social situation of teachers' households, technological resources available, and institutional support that conditioned pedagogical work. We studied the regulations of the period, official statistics, and surveys and open interviews with secondary school teachers in four municipalities, which reflect the heterogeneity of this Argentine province. Among the findings, we emphasize the intensification of the work of teaching during the pandemic and its particular impact on the secondary level, due to the structure of this job position;among female teachers, the situation became more complex due to asymmetry in the distribution of care work. Collective work emerged to confront these conditions, as an alternative and support mechanism to overcome isolation.

Relations Industrielles ; 77(2), 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2025306


We studied 14 universities across Canada and Australia to examine how the COVID-19 crisis, mediated through management strategies and conflict over financial control in higher education, influenced workers’ job security and affective outcomes like stress and happiness. The countries differed in their institutional frameworks, their union density, their embeddedness in neoliberalism and their negotiation patterns. Management strategies also differed between universities. Employee outcomes were influenced by differences in union involvement. Labour cost reductions negotiated with unions could improve financial outcomes, but, even in a crisis, management might not be willing to forego absolute control over finance, and it was not the depth of the crisis that shaped management decisions. Alternate :Cette étude examine comment la pandémie de COVID-19 et les stratégies mises en oeuvre par la gestion universitaire ont influencé la sécurité d'emploi, le stress et le bonheur des travailleurs de l'enseignement supérieur. Les données quantitatives et qualitatives primaires proviennent d'une enquête menée dans quatorze universités en Australie et au Canada, complétée par des recherches secondaires. L'analyse examine les réponses des institutions et des travailleurs à la pandémie, ainsi que les conflits qui en résultent en matière de contrôle financier et ce, tant aux niveaux macro (secteur), méso (université) et micro (individu). Au niveau macro, les réponses des universités ont été façonnées par les politiques publiques de l'État aux niveaux national et infranational. Dans les deux pays l’approche avait une forme nettement " néolibérale ". Toutefois, les universités australiennes ont été davantage exposées à la pression financière en faveur des suppressions d'emplois, et la direction de ces universités a peut-être été plus encline à procéder à des mises à pied que l'ensemble des universités canadiennes. Les différences au niveau du soutien institutionnel au syndicalisme au niveau macro ont influencé la manière dont le personnel universitaire a été affecté aux niveaux méso et micro. La restructuration des universités, dans les deux pays, a eu un impact négatif sur la sécurité d'emploi et les perspectives de carrière, ce qui a entraîné une diminution de la satisfaction professionnelle et une augmentation du stress. Pour de nombreux membres du personnel professionnel, le travail à domicile était nouveau et libérateur, tandis que pour d’autres membres du personnel universitaire, le travail à domicile était une expérience négative. Notre analyse démontre que les expériences du personnel universitaire ont été influencées par d'autres facteurs que les modalités de travail mises en place par les universités pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Les approches des universités en matière de protection de l'emploi, de restructuration et d'engagement avec le personnel par le biais des syndicats semblent influencer la satisfaction, le stress et le bonheur du personnel. Nos résultats s'inscrivent dans le prolongement de la littérature qui documente la manière dont les processus de néolibéralisation sont régulièrement contestés par le personnel universitaire dans le cadre de diverses actions individuelles et collectives, en particulier en temps de crise. Nous soutenons que la théorisation des luttes pour le contrôle du travail devrait être étendue aux luttes pour le contrôle des finances.

RELIGACIÓN. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades ; 6(27), 2021.
Article in Spanish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1955620


The purpose of this paper is to show the strategies and motivations that students of the Universidad Pedagógica Veracruzana have used to continue their studies in the context of the social confinement derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced students to continue their studies by electronic means. Hence the need to investigate the students within this pandemic context;what and how they are doing their studies is fundamental in terms of prospective since it will allow improving their processes in the future since a mixed modality scenario has even been proposed for higher education once the confinement ends. Thus, an exploratory study was carried out, using a multi-method perspective, under an ethnographic approach;for this purpose, quantitative and qualitative techniques were used, such as surveys, observation records, and semi-structured interviews directed to a sample of a total of 82 students of the above-mentioned institution at the undergraduate, masters and doctorate levels. In this sense, elements of importance were found for the management of school activities in this rupture of normality, since the main strategy identified was the diversification of activities and fundamental motivations, the support of the family to continue studies in confinement, which has given us a prospective vision in which the institutional support should be oriented to know and take into account the socio-cultural contexts of their students in order to establish an efficiently mixed modality.Alternate :El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad evidenciar las estrategias y motivaciones que los estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica Veracruzana han empleado para continuar sus estudios en el contexto del confinamiento social derivado de la pandemia por el COVID-19, lo cual obligó a los estudiantes a continuar sus estudios por medios electrónicos. De ahí la necesidad de investigar sobre los estudiantes dentro de este contexto pandémico;el qué y cómo están realizando sus estudios es fundamental en términos de prospectiva, puesto que permitirá mejorar sus procesos en un futuro, en tanto que se hasta se ha planteado un escenario de modalidad mixta para la educación superior toda vez que el confinamiento termine. Siendo así, es que se realizó un estudio de tipo exploratorio, empleando una perspectiva multi-metódica, bajo un enfoque etnográfico;para ello se han empleado técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, como: encuestas, registros de observación y entrevistas semiestructuradas dirigidas a una muestra de un total de 82 alumnos de la institución señalada de los niveles de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado. En este sentido, se encontraron elementos de importancia para el manejo de actividades escolares en esta ruptura de la normalidad, pues se identificaron como principal estrategia la diversificación de actividades y motivaciones fundamental el apoyo de la familia para continuar los estudios en confinamiento, lo cual nos ha planteado una visión prospectiva en la cual el apoyo institucional se debe orientar en conocer y tomar en cuenta los contextos socio-culturales de sus estudiantes a fin de lograr establecer una modalidad mixta eficiente.

Journal of International Women's Studies ; 23(6):1-15, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1849069


Women's contributions to rural fisheries in the Philippines are often overlooked and unrecognized. The "invisibility" of women is primarily a factor of prevailing traditional views on fishing as a male-occupied industry. Gaps in understanding the role of women in the sector may risk implementing interventions that poorly capture their needs as important players in the fisheries value chain. Developing holistic and integrated solutions becomes crucial as rural fishing communities are highly vulnerable to food and economic insecurity, aggravated by external crises and a rapidly changing climate. This study identifies and assesses the factors and motivations on the gender dynamics in the rural tuna fishing communities in the Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines. Focus-group discussions and key-informant interviews were conducted with 120 male and female respondents across six (6) of the 15 municipalities in the Lagonoy Gulf, tuna federation leaders, and female group savings association officers. Results of the study emphasize the traditional heteronormative structures that still influence household and community dynamics in Lagonoy Gulf. Women are active as ancillary workers, holding key responsibilities in marketing the harvest to local traders and markets and engaging in profit-saving activities. However, these roles are seen only as support and are not recognized to merit the participation of women in community decisionmaking. This perception also reflects disparities at the household level, where women are expected to assume household and childcare work. However, women recognize these functions as a source of empowerment, upholding their skill to handle multiple occupations to service their devotion to their family. They also highly regard their skill in financial custodianship, seeking means to address their family's financial problems. Lack of opportunities for women equally bears unhealthy expectations for men to remain the breadwinner despite struggles to reap economic benefits. Both men and women in Lagonoy Gulf echo the aspiration for women to earn to help address family poverty. This study emphasizes the need for institutional support to ensure genderbased strategies in the communities, including opening pathways for women to secure decent work and increasing their participation in local fisheries governance.